
Recently I head the comment “its amazing that we do the things we do sober” or at least something to that effect. My response was a bit of a joke, “hey at least I can remember it”. For some reason this 2 seconds worth of conversation stuck with me.

Its currently 1:00 in the morning (I wrote this by hand first about a week ago) but I keep mulling this over despite my better judgment.

So why is it that I don’t drink or that my friends don’t drink or use drugs. I think there are a couple of reasons for this. The obvious, clichéd, but none the less solid or good is that it is the Christian thing to do. But the question to my self is “why is that stopping you.” I’m not perfect, NO ONE IS. I don’t always do what Christ commands me how would this be any different? Second is the logical. We all know that it destroys your liver and a host of other problems. The counter point is that energy drinks increase you likelihood of developing diabetes. So that argument is nullified. also in the logical category is that I don’t think it would be fun to be drunk or wake up in a pool of my own excrement. Being logical, fun isn’t logical hence it is fun. (confusing? Welcome to my mind)

But what is the push for teens, and how is the high school culture presenting this kind of thing? Basically, peer pressure. If your at a party drinking is the “in thing.” But from experience and observation the “in thing” is rarely fun and never truly in the interest of others. I believe that the true reason why or/and how we got to this point is deep, dark, and sinister than most people, no matter what the demographic, want to admit or believe.

People are looking for some sort of filler, or simply a “good time.” But is drug use/abuse a “good time”? How often do the intoxicated do something they regret? Or has a longer effect on the people around them that is for the worse? Drugs and drinking kill sound judgment and cast common senesce overboard, if it was there at all.

I can say, in total honesty, that I do not regret a thing I have done for a “good time”.

I find comfort in knowing that only in bad company can I be found at fault for having good morals.

There are absolute rights and wrongs, but there are gray areas to just not as may as people like to believe.

Where has the average high school student gotten an undertone of hated for truth and the world. How long can my generation hide behind the facade of relativism, which is simply hiding our corruption, before we realize that it we destroy our society?

I realize that I wrote a lot and that I did ramble a bit but please don’t dismiss it as random babble.


Mark said...

Insightful post, Ian. Sometimes we look for happiness in the stupidest places. Reflecting on my own life, I rarely drink and have never been drunk, nor done drugs. Unfortunately, I have done plenty of things in my life "for a good time" that I regret. In fact, most of the things in my life that I regret are things that I did for a good time. And worst of all, on those occasions when I aim for a good time, I consistently miss, falling short of anything resembling real happiness.

I agree that if we seek happiness in the absence of Truth (absolute, no compromises), we'll wind up empty. Real happiness and Truth go hand in hand. Reminds me of The Matrix. No matter how good your life may seem, if you know it's not True, it's empty.

Kaija said...

Mmm.. Very interesting. For one.. Yes.. I do have an addictive personality, and have problems with Drugs and Alcohol.. but you already know that. and I know that I will have constant problems with foreign substances that should not come in contact with my body in any way, shape or form.

Ultimately, I have come (not so easily or comfortably at times..) to realize that we obviously cannot be satisfied with things here.. only God can be fully satisfying to us.. Which ties into another conversation that I had tonight, but that's another story..

Anyway.. I forgot where I was going with this.. too tired.. i'll comment again later..

m.j.nels said...

Ian Bravo. this is very true and very insightful, and believe it or not means alot to me. i have had conversations the past few days where i have been trying to get this same point across. and you put it in very down to earth understandable terms. kudos for you :-)

on a lighter note YAY YOU HAVE A BLOG!!! this makes me happy we can be blogging buddies!

Unknown said...

wow Ian. That was impressive, I must say. It really makes me think about the choices I have made and will make. Thanks.